Utada Hikaru (宇多田ヒカル) – 二時間だけのバカンス featuring 椎名林檎 歌詞

Utada Hikaru (宇多田ヒカル) – 二時間だけのバカンス featuring 椎名林檎 (Ringo Sheena) 歌詞 Lyrics

Utada Hikaru (宇多田ヒカル) – 二時間だけのバカンス featuring 椎名林檎 (Ringo Sheena) 歌詞 Lyrics


忙しいからこそ たまに
息抜きしましょうよ いっそ派手に
朝昼晩とがんばる 私たちのエスケープ
思い立ったが吉日 今すぐに連れて行って
二時間だけのバカンス 渚の手前でランデブー
家族の為にがんばる 君を盗んでドライヴ
全ては僕のせいです わがままにつき合って
二時間だけのバカンス いつもいいとこで終わる
ほら車飛ばして 一度きりの人生ですもの
今日は授業サボって 二人きりで公園歩こう
朝昼晩とがんばる 私たちのエスケープ
思い立ったが吉日 今すぐに参ります
二時間だけのバカンス 渚の手前でランデブー


Kurōzetto no oku de nemuru doresu
hakareru hi o matsu haihīru
monogatari no wakiyaku ni natte ōita tsukihi ga tatsu
isogashii kara koso tamani
ikinuki shi masho u yo isso hade ni
asa hiru ban to ganbaru watashi tachi no esukēpu
omoitatta ga kichijitsu ima sugu ni tsure te itte
ni jikan dake no bakansu nagisa no temae de randebū
tari nai kurai de ii n desu
tanoshimi wa sukoshi zutsu
otogi hanashi no tsuzuki nante dare mo kiki taku nai
yasashii nichijō aishiteru keredo
suriru ga watashi o motomeru
kazoku no tame ni ganbaru kimi o nusun de do raibu
subete wa boku no sei desu wagamama ni tsukiatte
ni jikan dake no bakansu itsumo ii toko de owaru
yokubari wa mi o horobosu
oshie te yo, tsugi wa i tsu?
hora kuruma tobashi te ichido kiri no jinsei desu mono
suna no ue de atama no oku ga shibireru yō na kisu shi te
kyō wa jugyō sabotte ni nin kiri de kōen aruko u
moshika shi tara isshō wasure rare nai egao boku ni muke te
asa hiru ban to ganbaru watashi tachi no esukēpu
omoitatta ga kichijitsu ima sugu ni mairi masu
ni jikan dake no bakansu nagisa no temae de randebū
tari nai kurai de ii n desu
tanoshimi wa sukoshi zutsu


A dress sleeping deep in my closet
High heels waiting for the day they’ll be worn
Becoming the supporting role of a legend, quite a lot of time passes
It’s precisely because we’re busy that sometimes
let’s take a breather, rather flashily
We do our best morning, noon, and evening; it’s our escape
There’s no time like the present, so take me along right now
It’s our two hour only vacance, a rendezvous just before the water’s edge
I’m fine even if it’s not enough
The fun will come little by little
Nobody wants to hear the sequel of the fairy tale
I love these gentle ordinary days, but
the thrills pursue me
We do our best for our family; I’ll steal you away for a drive
Everything will be my fault, so go along with my selfishness
It’s our two hour only vacance, but it always ends at the good parts
Greed ruins me
Tell me, when will be next?
Hey, take off, ’cause we only get one life
On the sand, give me a kiss like one that excites the inside of my mind
Today skip class. Let’s walk in the park, just the two of us
And perhaps turn that smile, I won’t forget through my whole life, at me
We do our best morning, noon, and evening; it’s our escape
There’s no time like the present, so take me along right now
It’s our two hour only vacance, a rendezvous just before the water’s edge
I’m fine even if it’s not enough
The fun will come little by little
English: shinitakashi